Kaley Hobgood

Currently Unavailable

Kaley Hobgood

Woodcrest Daylilies LLC

Kaley Hobgood

Kaley Hobgood

(Douglas-H., 2022)
Height 26 inches (66 cm), Bloom size 5.5 inches (13 cm), Bloom Season Early to Mid, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Creamy pink polychrome with round ruffled petals and yellow to green throat.. ((Richfield Earlene Garber x A Lady Named Hank) × (sdlg x Mount Herman Grace))

Contact Info

Woodcrest Daylilies LLC
603 Woodcrest Ave.
Lititz Pa 17543
Lily Auction Username:Missyb

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